
Showing posts from October, 2017

Song of endurance

 Happy Tuesday Peeps❤❤! I hope your day was amazing. So most of you wanted to highlight a topic which requires both courage and patience to read and understand. Today the song of endurance is about Child Abuse . I admit I was reluctant to write about one of it's types, which is the main theme of this post.                                         CSA: CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE. The revelations were more than shocking. All my weekend I couldn't sleep and was unable to comprehend how anyone can do such a ferocious attack on children?  "WE OWE OUR CHILDREN, THE MOST VULNERABLE CITIZEN IN OUR SOCIETY, A LIFE FREE FROM VIOLENCE AND FEAR" She was 6 thinking about her own home as jail not heaven. He was 9 and all of sudden lost interest in playing video games with his cousin. She was 12 and was unable to tell why she is afraid of closed doors? He was 15 and hesitant in going to school. She was 21 and failed in developing any confidence. He was 24 and very introvert. There

Mirror, mirror, on the wall!

Happy Wednesday Peeps! Two more days and we'll welcome the weekend together. This title made me laughed so much. I just thought what if snow white's step mom said, Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all?  And the mirror would have quietly replied, Reflection in this mirror might not be up to your satisfaction due to the socially constructed ideas of beauty!   So today I want to talk about beauty. What is beauty? It is defined as,   a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.    What is sight? It is defined as,   the faculty or power of seeing. Now if we believe these words to be true, than any shape, any color, any form, is beautiful. There is no mentioning of any specific shape. No requirement of particular color. No distinction between forms. If these statements are correct than there is no limitation of perceiving the concept of beauty. You don't need to star

Cry? But my mascara is Givenchy!

Night after night she was raped in her own house, but apparently the land she was citizen of didn't consider martial rape a crime. She was given three daughters, but her in-laws failed to see it as a blessing. She failed in bestowing a son, so she was replaced by another who could. Her family died in a car crash. Her survival was not less than a miracle but the world saw it as a curse. After all she engulfed her entire family. She is 32, working, single. It's not bothering her but, others they care way too much. She stopped going out due to the fear of cat calling and her absence went unnoticed. She was ineligible to carry her father's name, because according to the holy patriarchy descent is reckoned through the male line. You must have connected with one of these statements. You must have seen one of these horrible acts being done. You might know the victim suffering due to these disguised misogyny. I'll admit I know few. I even came across some who

I'm no man

Happy Monday peeps ❤❤! Hope it was not all that bad. I'm tired of hearing that this is a man's world. And no matter what women cannot march to the beat of their drum. I'm tired of this baseless comparison. I'm tired of this inaccurate statement. And the worst part is, some females just to prove this factless idea wrong, are so busy in losing their uniqueness. For me, there is no comparison. How can you compare two entirely different creations? But I think this obnoxious idea has been planted in our minds. And with the passage of time it got stuck. Growing strong and penetrating it's root in every sphere of our lives. We started seeing the gender Female only in relation to the other sex. We forgot that she in herself is a whole different universe. We started limiting her to benefit others.We refused to sought her consent. We lay down hurdles in her path so she'll give up.We pushed them to such an extent that they started to wish that they were born man! I

Our differences

 If I am asked how to end a conflict? My response would be through a dialogue. For me there is no issue in this world that can't be resolved through peaceful conversation. But I guess in today's world if you can oppress someone without uttering a single word, why bother yourself with talking? There are countless examples of misconduct against women. There are thousands stories regarding the intolerance against women. Shameful acts of exploitation which went unnoticed. Bigotry grudges concluding unhappy endings. Volumes of domestic atrocities waiting patiently for an audience. Tales of brutality yet not written.  It all happens due to the difference created on the basis of incontrovertible theories. Strong beliefs put forward by twisting religion. Instigation by exploiting a certain weakness. If you ask me all those who had lost their lives in the name of honor killing were actually the victims of disparity. Those whose life were ruined by acid attack were victim of disc

I'm not that woman.

Not long ago I was not getting why was Hillary running for oval office? Why Zenobia challenged the authority of the Roman Empire? Why after succeeding test of time Meryl still is phenomenal? Why Serena Williams even bothered to hold a single title to herself? I failed in understanding that these beautiful and strong women were clearing path for us all. I failed in getting their perspective that someone needs to break that wall standing in the way. They were emancipating women all around globe, of this era and the past, pushing them towards the ruling class. Telling them to accomplish something worth! Even after revolutionizing the technology, uncovering the hidden mysteries all around the globe, we failed in liberating 49.6% of world's population. We failed in giving the rightful status to that percentage in our societies. We reduced it to a certain limit. A certain boundary that percentage is not allowed to cross. Once those who used to rule are now ruled upon. That image of

Compose your song

 Sometimes the comparison is way too much to handle. Especially when two totally different personalities are being judged by the same instrument. I have come to a conclusion, people find it hard to love and except those who are a bit different. And for me, different is good. Being unique is being true to yourself. Everyone in this world is not created by following some scientific formula. Everyone have different quantities of art, passion, strength, and intelligence poured in them. Everyone is supposed to gaze at the sky and make out a different pattern. Individuality is the basis of human specie. But like always we have an urge to find flaws in God's perfect creation. And I personally don't get it why do we want different people to be same? How can Red be Yellow? Fire be Ice? Or Earth be Sky? I mean, isn't it against nature? Yes, it is. Then why do we need different souls to be alike? How can a painter with gentle hands be a blacksmith? How is a mind full of figures su

It's a man's world but..!

  When your serenity is questioned due to your gender, do you feel the anger running through your veins? When you are stopped midway on the basis of your gender, do you feel the helplessness filling your existence? When you are not allowed because of your gender, do you feel the frustration taking control of your life? We have all been through this. A certain project taken from us because we were thought to be incompetent to make it happen. Omitted from a certain profession due to our ineligibility in the category of gender. Stopped to pursue something we were passionate about just because we were consider too soft to bear the pressure. We have all seen that. But to be honest I'm tired of hearing that she can't lead a cabinet full of men. I'm sick of hearing that her imaginations can't make a skyscraper. I'm fed up of people telling her to compromise. I'm done with that NO on the sole basis of gender. She got a genius mind why can't she invent? She