Cry? But my mascara is Givenchy!

Night after night she was raped in her own house, but apparently the land she was citizen of didn't consider martial rape a crime.

She was given three daughters, but her in-laws failed to see it as a blessing.

She failed in bestowing a son, so she was replaced by another who could.

Her family died in a car crash. Her survival was not less than a miracle but the world saw it as a curse. After all she engulfed her entire family.

She is 32, working, single. It's not bothering her but, others they care way too much.

She stopped going out due to the fear of cat calling and her absence went unnoticed.

She was ineligible to carry her father's name, because according to the holy patriarchy descent is reckoned through the male line.

You must have connected with one of these statements. You must have seen one of these horrible acts being done. You might know the victim suffering due to these disguised misogyny. I'll admit I know few. I even came across some who very solemnly enlighten me that it's woman's fault that she can't have children. Who very effortlessly ignored the fact that maybe those who are passing comments might be on wrong side. Who tried to make their argument relevant by emphasizing on "a scrap of cloth". Who very proudly blame the victim and very gladly sympathize with the culprit. These are the people who like parasites destroy lives!

I know the countless hours that have been spent in shedding tears for things and people both worthless. The times when we lock ourselves in bathroom to let go. Our pillows being the only witness of the pain we are going through. Day after day hopelessly wishing that things will change. With every sunset our fantasy crashes. I know the begging, the crying, pain of being excluded, and still that stubborn persistence. But don't you think this cycle needs to break?

Yes, it need to. And darling you are not going to cry because he left, he cheated, he dumped. You are not going to cry because he wasn't brought up well. You are not going to cry for he is not familiar with the concept of respect. You are not going to cry because her insecurities made her say stuff against you. You are not going to cry for being excluded. You are not going to cry for someone who is not in love with you. You won't cry. Not for them. Not for things unimportant.

When someone tries to make you feel bad, remember you deserve all the best the world can offer. When they push you down, remember to stand up. When you are not being included remember that it's because they consider your ability a threat. Take that envy as a compliment. Don't let them break your spirit. And frankly I'm not against crying. After all we are humans, and it's our primitive emotion. You feeling low? Cry. It can regulate your emotions. It can make you feel better. There is no shame in tears. What I'm trying to say is that when there is a second option, don't deliberately chose crying. Fix the problem with solution not tears.


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