Compose your song

 Sometimes the comparison is way too much to handle. Especially when two totally different personalities are being judged by the same instrument. I have come to a conclusion, people find it hard to love and except those who are a bit different. And for me, different is good. Being unique is being true to yourself. Everyone in this world is not created by following some scientific formula. Everyone have different quantities of art, passion, strength, and intelligence poured in them. Everyone is supposed to gaze at the sky and make out a different pattern. Individuality is the basis of human specie.

But like always we have an urge to find flaws in God's perfect creation. And I personally don't get it why do we want different people to be same? How can Red be Yellow? Fire be Ice? Or Earth be Sky? I mean, isn't it against nature? Yes, it is. Then why do we need different souls to be alike? How can a painter with gentle hands be a blacksmith? How is a mind full of figures supposed to understand literature? How can wild imaginations be reasoned with theory or law? It can't and yet happen!

So, stop bothering yourself with stupid questions like, "why don't you try that?" And stop stressing yourself over small thoughts like, "She is doing that I should too". No. Your song is yours and yours alone. It's beats are unique. It's compositions should be different from others. It doesn't matter if everyone can understand your music. You'll find enough people in this world who can dance to your tune. Who can understand your song's lyrics who can relate to them. Not everyone is gonna say yes to your genre.

 Learn to distant yourself from those hindering you from singing your song. We have enough of doctors with minds of writers, artists with an urge of reasoning, adults with lost dreams, old people with regrets and youth with depression.Your song isn't suppose to make sense to everyone. It's rhythms can be irregular making unusual sounds, that's okay. Your life's song should have it all. Laughter. A few tears. Anger. Frustration. Passion. People will be drawn to your tune when they'll understand it. Your life is a masterpiece, not everyone is suppose to understand. Don't make them understand your song. Let them criticize it, let them despise it, but if you know it's the right song keep on playing it. You should be courageous enough to play your song.

You should know that people will let lose on your tune just not everyone and it's okay. What boring life we all live if every song is alike, if every beat is known, if every tune is same as the last one. Different is good. Its the essence of life! Enjoy it.


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