Mirror, mirror, on the wall!

Happy Wednesday Peeps! Two more days and we'll welcome the weekend together.

This title made me laughed so much. I just thought what if snow white's step mom said,
Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all? 
And the mirror would have quietly replied,
Reflection in this mirror might not be up to your satisfaction due to the socially constructed ideas of beauty! 

 So today I want to talk about beauty. What is beauty? It is defined as,

 a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. 

 What is sight? It is defined as,

 the faculty or power of seeing.

Now if we believe these words to be true, than any shape, any color, any form, is beautiful. There is no mentioning of any specific shape. No requirement of particular color. No distinction between forms. If these statements are correct than there is no limitation of perceiving the concept of beauty.
You don't need to starve yourself to look slim, or you won't feel ashamed of your carves. You won't burn your hair on daily basis to create the illusion of straight hair. Or damage them to show a different color. But there is this big IF which has created a catch-22 situation.

We ruined the true nature of beauty the day we define it. The day we enslave it in words. Saying yes to this this this, and no to that that that. Beauty literally lost it's true essence. Girls never found their way back from the labyrinth of fair and lovely. Many got stuck in the maze of skin tanning. Majority lost their true selves in this journey towards defined beauty.

And let's be honest most of the time this effort is not to make ourselves happy. No it's not. It's just to achieve that illusion of perfection. We refuse to accept ourselves the way we are. So, that's how little girls lost their faith on themselves. Young girls got deprived of their confidence. And woman gained the insecurities. Don't let those commercials fool you. Don't let those models deceive you. It's good to have some one to look up to. But remember it's their 24/7 job. They work hard to be like that. But that doesn't mean that you have to be like that too.

Every little girls needs to know that she is beautiful the way she is. She needs to be reminded that it doesn't matter if she is not a size zero. It's okay if her hair color is black. It's okay if  her height is 6. Beauty is perceived differently by different people. Stop imposing your beauty concepts on others. Stop infiltrating others peace. You. Yes girl, you! You are beautiful the way you are. And those telling you "TOO MUCH THIS AND THAT" are too judgemental and they too need a shut up call from you.
Every morning when you stand in front of your mirror, you need to remind yourself that there is no such thing as standard beauty.


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