I'm no man

Happy Monday peeps ❤❤! Hope it was not all that bad.

I'm tired of hearing that this is a man's world. And no matter what women cannot march to the beat of their drum. I'm tired of this baseless comparison. I'm tired of this inaccurate statement. And the worst part is, some females just to prove this factless idea wrong, are so busy in losing their uniqueness. For me, there is no comparison. How can you compare two entirely different creations?

But I think this obnoxious idea has been planted in our minds. And with the passage of time it got stuck. Growing strong and penetrating it's root in every sphere of our lives. We started seeing the gender Female only in relation to the other sex. We forgot that she in herself is a whole different universe. We started limiting her to benefit others.We refused to sought her consent. We lay down hurdles in her path so she'll give up.We pushed them to such an extent that they started to wish that they were born man!

If you can see in those eyes, you'll see a tired soul. Who had been fighting a generation old habit, a wrong way and discriminatory preference. Who is tired of fulfilling every inappropriate expectation. Who had to see her own daughter accept silently all these insatiable demands. Who's voice has been silenced by this groundless debate.

Why compare them? A woman can play a constructive role. She can help in levitating a nation. She can achieve her targets. Why restrict her due to her physical appearance? Just give your girls a chance to make you proud. She won't make you regret this decision. Be proud to be a mother, daughter, wife, woman. You are the cradle of life. Without you there is no life. HE and SHE comparison is a pointless argument. Don't raise your children with this wrong idea. Don't stop them from doing what they want to merely due to their gender. Liberate yourself from this one word. Grow up!


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