Song of endurance

 Happy Tuesday Peeps❤❤! I hope your day was amazing. So most of you wanted to highlight a topic which requires both courage and patience to read and understand. Today the song of endurance is about Child Abuse. I admit I was reluctant to write about one of it's types, which is the main theme of this post. 
                                      CSA: CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE.
The revelations were more than shocking. All my weekend I couldn't sleep and was unable to comprehend how anyone can do such a ferocious attack on children?


She was 6 thinking about her own home as jail not heaven. He was 9 and all of sudden lost interest in playing video games with his cousin. She was 12 and was unable to tell why she is afraid of closed doors? He was 15 and hesitant in going to school. She was 21 and failed in developing any confidence. He was 24 and very introvert. There were signs, a lot of them but we all failed to see them. Us, we have to share the blame. I know it's hard to see ourselves as culprits but at some point we too encouraged a predator by refusing to pay heed to warning signs.

 Child Sexual Abuse is a reality. It happens. It's no longer a myth we used to tell to scare. No, those monster we were warned about are real. And guess what? 90% of times they are among us. They are the faces we trust, individuals we met on daily basis, voices we can recognize easily, the only fault is that in all this we failed in recognizing the monster inside of them. Just imagine, I know it's hard to, but a six years old child is unable to tell what is right or wrong on their own. They'll feel disgusted later on, will balm themselves when they grew up, but God, they are six years old. Those unsafe secrets led them into deep trouble with themselves. Most of the times they don't even know what's happening to them, or is it wrong? They confuse this horrid act with a shameful game or a source of punishment.

Let me tell you CSA is of various types. It includes asking or pressuring a child to engage in sexual activities, indecent exposure of the genitals to a child, displaying pornography to a child, actual sexual contact with child, physical contact with the child's genitals, viewing of the child's genitalia without physical contact, or using a child to produce child pornography. And this all is done in our surrounding, most of the times by people we know way too well. What we need to understand is that the predator is not confined by gender, shape, size, age, relation. A predator can be anyone, and you know what, in order to escape accountability for his crimes, the perpetrator does everything in his/her power to promote forgetting. If secrecy fails, the perpetrator attacks the credibility of his/her victim. If he/she cannot silence her/him absolutely, he/she tries to make sure no one listens. That's where we come in. We need to listen. We need to open our ears in order to hear those faint cries of help.

Every 8 minute a child is sexually abused. It's like a silent epidemic Where the silence is predator's best friend, and shame the main ingredient which helps this epidemic to grow. I was distressed by the idea that most of the times even adults don't know what CSA is or what are it's symptoms. You, reading this now, if a child has been molested, he/she will have difficulty in sitting, walking, standing. Involuntary urination, pain during urination, blood stained underwear. They might have a change in their personalities, getting aggressive, or being afraid of certain places/ people. There are many more, but if you see a small child acting odd ask him/her. And that brings me to the second half of preventing this act from snatching away someone's childhood.

You'll be shock to know that 90% of the times no one reports these abuses. The key factor contributing in restricting a victim from reporting is an uncomfortable conversation. You must have that courage to carry that uncomfortable conversation. You need to make that little kid sit down and assure him/her that you are ready to listen to all those unspeakable things.You need to tell him/her that you'll believe whatever he/she had to say and you'll do everything in your power to make it stop. You need to give him/her back their safe haven. Be their strength. Believe in them. Don't hold back just because that predator is someone you know. Report it to authorities, confront him/her. Don't let that child include in 25% adults who once were victims of this brutality.

So, now you know what CSA is.We really need to understand that CSA is harming the future. In their lust and sickness they are sabotaging coming generation. A child have every right to be safe. They have a right of personal body safety. You know that it can leave lifelong scars. But believe me with love, courage, support and patience those scars can be healed. Don't deny that it happened to you, don't blame yourself, forgive and leave it in your past. Forgive and it won't have any power over you. Speak up and be the beacon of light for others. You are not alone. We need to open up to this topic. It's no longer something we need to be shameful for. For the benefit of kids out there who are counting on us to talk, who are still hoping for us to notice, who are silently fighting, we need to take some serious actions. And those who had been silent for so many years, you can break your silence now. Those who were once rejected or silenced, please don't lose hope. Find someone else. And when you see a child really trying to open up, don't make it difficult for them. At the end of the conversation get that child to help.

I believe in miracles. I believe in heroes who don't have to hide their faces. Whose courage can save their and other's life. For all those out there suffering we are reaching out for you. I really don't want 1 in 3 or 1 in 7 to lose their childhood before turning 18. Without a doubt, Child abuse is one of the most vicious crimes conceivable, a violation of mankind's most basic duty to protect innocence.
Understand CSA. Prevent it. It's a idea worth spreading. 


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