I'm not that woman.

Not long ago I was not getting why was Hillary running for oval office? Why Zenobia challenged the authority of the Roman Empire? Why after succeeding test of time Meryl still is phenomenal? Why Serena Williams even bothered to hold a single title to herself? I failed in understanding that these beautiful and strong women were clearing path for us all. I failed in getting their perspective that someone needs to break that wall standing in the way. They were emancipating women all around globe, of this era and the past, pushing them towards the ruling class. Telling them to accomplish something worth!

Even after revolutionizing the technology, uncovering the hidden mysteries all around the globe, we failed in liberating 49.6% of world's population. We failed in giving the rightful status to that percentage in our societies. We reduced it to a certain limit. A certain boundary that percentage is not allowed to cross. Once those who used to rule are now ruled upon.

That image of a face hidden behind the mask of make-up, high heels making noise, stupidity having no clue of whatsoever is happening in the world needs to change. We need to bring up our girls in a way that they are not mentally enslaved. They need to learn to respect themselves, love themselves, be proud of their achievements and hell competitive. They need to understand the importance of being themselves. Because every single little girl who is told to pursue something else, the world loses a passionate worker in that field.

Every girl in this world will grow up being comfortable in her skin and body. Her beauty won't be judged. She will not be a woman who'll sit back and let others decide what's good for her. She won't be a puppet whose strings are in someone else hands. She will not be a woman who'll be afraid to try something new. Who'll be ashamed of admitting wrong she had done and pointing out all the good she laid down the road. She will not be a woman who is judged on the basis of her past choices. Whose ideas are questioned just because they are her. Whose existence will be limit. Whose dreams will be crushed.

We need to understand our potential.Which is far more than we can imagine. Don't let go off your dreams and ambitions because they are not happening according to your will. Or because life is not going on the same road you had in your head. Be patient and persistent. Get there even if it takes time. But don't let go, not that easily. Dream big, set your goals high. Just don't settle less. It's really easy in today's world to get lost in the glittering stuff. Be ambition enough to look beyond it. 

I know it's really hard being that woman, but try to be her. And if you fail, raise your daughter to be her. Make sure if she fails her daughter continue the legacy. Teach her to wear her strength like an armour, carry her sword of courage, and her shield of dignity. Battling her fears. Conquering her dreams. She'll beautifully carry herself after every fall. And have faith that she'll rise stronger than before!


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