It's a man's world but..!

When your serenity is questioned due to your gender, do you feel the anger running through your veins? When you are stopped midway on the basis of your gender, do you feel the helplessness filling your existence? When you are not allowed because of your gender, do you feel the frustration taking control of your life?

We have all been through this. A certain project taken from us because we were thought to be incompetent to make it happen. Omitted from a certain profession due to our ineligibility in the category of gender. Stopped to pursue something we were passionate about just because we were consider too soft to bear the pressure. We have all seen that. But to be honest I'm tired of hearing that she can't lead a cabinet full of men. I'm sick of hearing that her imaginations can't make a skyscraper. I'm fed up of people telling her to compromise. I'm done with that NO on the sole basis of gender.

She got a genius mind why can't she invent? She got the right aptitude why can't she be sitting on the CEO's chair? She is strong enough why can't she defend? She can understand politics better than many others why can't she be the executive? She have the leadership qualities why can't she lead her nation to the path of glory? She is amazing why can't she be just herself? Is it that hard to allow a woman to pursue her ambitions?

I think maybe it is. Deep down everyone who is putting hurdles in your way is accepting silently that you can. They are approving your decision about your life. They are trying to pull you down, for they fear the heights you can attain. They are scared of your potential, the greatness it can achieve. Maybe they fear your ability to question their decisions, your competence to be better than them, and your free will to not follow them blindly. Maybe that's why there are still 31 million girls of primary school age out of schools.

But the question is will you allow yourself to pass those barriers? Or silently accept everything believing it to be a part of fate? You have no idea what you can do girl! You have no clue how far can you fly. So, darling it can be a man dominating society, but refuse to believe that it is man orienting. It can be man who made this world, but refuse to believe he can maintain it alone. It can be a man's world but it's nothing without a woman or a girl!


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