
Showing posts from September, 2017


BE A LITTLE EXTRA HARD-WORKING THIS WEDNESDAY! RISE ANS SHINE BEAUTIFUL! Another extraordinary morning. Get yourself a strong cup of coffee and start your day with the promise to work harder than yesterday. You can finish with you couldn't yesterday. All it takes is a little extra effort, a little extra push. Keep on moving and you'll get there eventually. Working hard is the key to success. Figure out your lock and work hard to unlock it. And remember today is not the day you give in. Breathe. Happy Wednesday❤❤

Own your body

" I stand in awe of my body! " The conundrum of our age is the acceptance of once body. We have seriously made ourselves so conscious about it. Seeing people in those certain categories is the only way to know them now. "Which one? That tall one!" "She looked so fat in the dress." "God, I'm looking so thin" We are at that stage where each of these words seems an insult. They are just stuck in our head. When we look at ourselves in the mirror we only focus on the flaws. Certain parts of our body that were highlighted by majority of people. Looking at thin arms, or wishing to have slimmer thighs, or wanting to have a clear jawline. The concept of beauty which is engraved in our minds has one simple flaw; it failed to tell that everyone is beautiful the way they are! What we need to understand is that there is nothing wrong with our body. Everything is wrong with the mind set trying to convince us otherwise. Being a girl I know the


BE AS DETERMINED AS YOU CAN BE THIS TUESDAY!   GOOD MORNING, GORGEOUS! Get this day started with a lot of determination. Be really firm about achieving everything. But your happiness and health is the priority here. Do stuff that make you happy. Be compassionate about it. There is no power in this world that can defeat you. Your will to win can overcome anything! Don't forget to smile. And remember today is not the day you give in! Breathe! Happy Tuesday❤❤


MONDAY SHOULD BE MAGICAL! SUNSHINE, BEAUTIFUL! Another week has been given to you! Don't curse Monday for arriving. It's a start. A new beginning. Rectify your mistakes. Make progress. Work harder! Believe in miracles and they'll happen. Start your week with believing that good stuff is gonna happen to you. And remember today is not the day you give in. Breathe, darling. Happy Monday❤❤  

Veil of anonymity

" Information Age cyber bullied children are relentlessly tormented 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.” Megan Meier, a thirteen year old, battling with depression and weight loss, was made to believe by a former girl friend that an imaginary boy Josh is in love with her. When a message saying, " the world would be a better place without you." was posted on her MySpace account, this little angel give in just three weeks before her fourteenth birthday! Ryan Patrick Halligan, had a learning disorder. When a popular girl he had crush on told him she likes him, was later the one who started the rumor that he is gay. But Ryan after winning the first fight against his bullies lost it to cruel taunts, words and actions. He committed suicide at the sweet too innocent age of 13! Amanda Todd, a 16 years old was haunted by her past whenever she tries to leave it behind. After acquiring some compromising photos of her, the stalker used to blackmail her.


 GOOD MORNING BEAUTIFUL! You survive Monday! Today you are going to make yourself proud. Try something new. Try to see if you can adapt to change. Keep on fighting for your dreams. Don't give up. Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you can. And remember, today is not the day you give in. Breathe.


HAPPY SUNDAY GORGEOUS! Treat yourself with a wonderful breakfast, sunshine and quality time! Keep your life filled with positive vibes no matter what. Stop stressing about stuff you couldn't do. Today is your earned rest day. Don't spoil it by worrying. Have a fun Sunday. And remember, today is not the day you give in. Breathe.

Rewriting september stress tale

Hello Beauties! Another September is here to surprise us. With the wind changing it's a month of new beginnings. Or it's a wrap up of a long episode. Trees putting up a show and making us understand how good it feels to let go.Either way, it's September. Known for shorter days and busier schedules! You are back to school, or just started a new chapter in universities, or you are having your exams. Time is always less and work load is way more. Instigating frustration, anxiety, depression and stress. You wail about the chapters you haven't prepared yet. Or the deadline for your assignment is getting close. New class, strange face, a nerve wrecking experience. Stay calm. No matter what's the source of your September stress, here are few ways to lighten the load. ORGANIZING LIFE FOR BETTERMENT  Set your priorities. I won't tell you to make a time table because that never worked for me. But sorting things in order did. What needs to be done immediately? The

It's all lies, darlling

"Girls and sports? No connection."   Mayanti Langer, tv sports journalist hosted football cafe, FIFA world cup, cricket world cups and commonwealth games. "Woman cannot survive harsh environments." Junko Tabei, a Japanese mountaineer ascended all the Seven Summits. "Direction is not a job for woman."   Kathryn Bigelow, proved it wrong by winning an Academy Award for Best Director. "Driving is something females suck at!" Aloha Wanderwell, World's Most Widely Traveled Girl spent years driving a Ford Model T across 43 countries. I can write volumes about what unexpected deeds were performed by some exceptionally strong willed women. How they overcame the hurdlers in their ways. How they showed everyone that they were capable of being anything they wanted to be. They didn't let others get in their way. They allowed their hearts to follow the path of destiny. They excelled in their respective fields. Women who defeated doubts b


 GOOD MORNING BEAUTIFUL! Start your morning with an over dose of good vibes. Today is a new day make the most of it. It doesn't matter what you did yesterday, what you do today matters. Keep moving towards your target. Don't break that streak of consistency! And remember today is not the day you give in. Breathe.


RISE AND SHINE BEAUTIFUL. You have been bless with another morning. Another chance to do the stuff that you couldn't complete yesterday. Believing in yourself is really important. I know your potential, so should you. You can and you will. And remember today is not the day you give in. Breathe.

The ugly story

      "Society's understanding of human trafficking and prostitution needs to change. In my county people believes prostitutes are criminals and buyers are the victims. This is wrong....Women are human beings, not commodities to be bought and sold."   Right now there are about 21 million people forced in modern slavery. There are many more whose existence is bought and sold on daily basis. The horrors they face, the hell they are living in is beyond our imaginations. We are living in a world where every four minute a girl is trafficked. We are living in an age where Human trafficking is now a second most profitable industry. When looking at an individual instead of seeing someone's child, some so called humans see profit. You'll be shocked to know that there are more people being bought and sold at this moment, than in the entire 300 year history of the Atlantic Slave Trade. 11.4 million ; who are they? These are souls who we had lost to the lust of others


Good Morning Gorgeous! Today your task is just to remember that you have a brave spirit. The moment you stop listening to doubts is the moment you start winning. Be unpredictable! Do things you were told you can't. Just don't settle. You are capable of touching the sky. And remember, today is not the day you give in. Breathe.


RISE AND SHINE GORGEOUS! Begin your week with a determination to excel. Keep on moving you are getting closer to your goal. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Keep that smile wider. Don't let the problems win. And remember, today is not the day you give in. Breathe.


GOOD MORNING BEAUTIFUL! This weekend spend sometime planing the things you were unable to do in the week days. Get some rest you have earned it. Stop being so hard on yourself. You are capable of amazing things. And whatever you have in your mind go for it. And remember, today is not the day you give in. Breathe.

Rewriting Fall Tale.

Hello Beauties! I have always adore fall. This period of transition between two seasons is just breath taking. The uncertainty teaches us so much. For me it's the epitome of seasons. The beauty just bursts out during this period. Like mother nature saves the grand finale for the last. Sun almost becomes our guest, it's warmth is short lived. And temperature starts to cool. We naturally become a bit slugguish! Morning sleep becomes precious. And it's really a task to wake up and leave our bed. It is year's last and loveliest smile. So this fall instead of spending time inside, go outside and enjoy your brief moments with sunlight. Here are certain ways to make your fall a worth experience. MORNING WALK WITH AUTUMN LEAVES Set your alarm clocks. Wake up early in the morning and take morning walks. There is nothing more magical in this world than walks with leaves. Witness the glory of autumn before the world open it's eyes. Be the first to experience that pur


GOOD MORNING GORGEOUS! Today is a new day. Start it with making bold decisions. Don't let the fragments of yesterday affect today. Make today amazing. Do stuff which is not in your comfort zone. Have a fabulous Friday. And remember, today is not the day you give in! Breathe.

I'm that girl

"I will not be triumphed over ." In an age commanded by men, she ruled for 21 years. "Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim." Said the woman who fought the gender inequality in a industry which still misrepresents women. "I’ve been through it all, baby, I’m mother courage." She who played the most important role: Herself.   "I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too." A ruler of golden age, without a man on her side. Who made herself feared by Spain, by France, by the Empire, by all. In the present age the worth of being a woman has been lowered. Woman of the present age have taken up certain roles and they keep on playing them. Instead of being empowered with the time they have declined. Where in the past she used to decide the future of empires now she is not allowed to even decide for herself. Where once her role w