The ugly story


"Society's understanding of human trafficking and prostitution needs to change. In my county people believes prostitutes are criminals and buyers are the victims. This is wrong....Women are human beings, not commodities to be bought and sold."  

Right now there are about 21 million people forced in modern slavery. There are many more whose existence is bought and sold on daily basis. The horrors they face, the hell they are living in is beyond our imaginations. We are living in a world where every four minute a girl is trafficked. We are living in an age where Human trafficking is now a second most profitable industry. When looking at an individual instead of seeing someone's child, some so called humans see profit. You'll be shocked to know that there are more people being bought and sold at this moment, than in the entire 300 year history of the Atlantic Slave Trade. 11.4 million; who are they? These are souls who we had lost to the lust of others. These are mothers whose children are born without father's name, they are daughters who never made it home, sisters who are caught in a nightmare, and friends who are sold for money. It's time to face reality people. Human trafficking is a fact. It happens.

In the world’s second largest democratic state, about 10 percent of the entire population is caught in the web of trafficking. Where girls, as young as, nine are forced in this dirty business. Just imagine the time when they should be playing happily with dolls, they are shamed. Their self-respect is shattered. They are forced to do all sort of disgusting things. Even if some of them manage to make it back to their homes, after two or twenty years, they are not at all welcomed back. They are social stigma for the family. The males of the families kill them in the name of honor. Instead of providing them with the safe haven they deserve, they are outcaste. When they need assurance the most, they are left alone. Thus those girls spend rest of their lives in unbearable misery.

"When people tell me that women choose this life, I can't help but laugh. Do they know how many women like me have tried to escape, but have been beaten black and blue when they are caught? To men who buy us we are like meat, to everyone else in society we simply do not exist." 

 That one in tight shiny clothes. The one who is covering the signs of bruises with heavy make-up. The one being called by derogatory names. Look the one who is laughing loudly to gather attention or to hide her nervousness. The one holding that man's hand was with someone else an hour ago.Can you see her? Then why didn't you raise your voice? Why did you fail in seeing the pain in her eyes? Those prostitutes have been invisible until now. Maybe we should begin by asking them their side of stories before judging them.Your courage might end up saving someone's life. They do exist. They had surnames before they were stolen. They were just like you and me. So why treat them like they are nothing but garbage? Human trafficking doesn't happen to someone living somewhere. It's a ground reality affecting women, girls just like your mother, daughter, and yourself.

This inhumane act has surpassed the boundaries of countries. It's a global issue now. In Iran, Iranian girls between the ages of 13 and 17 are targeted to be trafficked abroad. And girls younger than that are forced into domestic service until they are ‘considered old enough’ to be trafficked. Dozens of girls from Iran are sold in Pakistan. Most of these girls are raped within 24 hours of their capture. 10 year old Gita is sold to brothel by her very own aunt. Houston is reported to have highest number of trafficking victims in the nation. The fate of Ugandan girls is sealed in sex slavery. The question of age, nationality is no longer valid. These are victims of Human Trafficking. This is future at the stake of being lost. Women: who are trusted with such an enormous duty of teaching a new generation are disgraced openly. And no one is there to put a red light to this traffic!

"When people ask me what I think about prostitution, I tell them that I sympathize with women who are trying to provide for their children and have no other option." 

Allow yourself to ponder how grave this situation really is. Where authorities take action not because trafficking is a criminal offence but because the slave is two month old! Consider a situation where you leave your child at home and when you come back she is not to be found. Try to visualize  the life of a person running away from abusive past just to land into infinite misery. Where people are exploited on the basis of their dreams.And imagine the unexceptable that even if she comes back your own husband, son will kill her because she was stolen, auctioned, forced, humiliated. What I felt most was that most of these rejected pieces are forced to survive on their own. And what better way than selling your self? Atleast we will have a place to live. We will be shamed but its better than being hungry. So they accept this ill-humored fate.

 Most of these ill-fated humans are homeless people. Even if they are somehow rescued they have no where to go. Now that’s where vulnerability comes. They are still at the risk of being abused. We think to get them out of those places will end the nightmare. In reality, it only begins. The psychological trauma they suffer, social rejection they face, abusers they recognize, their bodies screaming evidence of life they had led. But despite of all this there is hope. Still there are angels walking this planet. Those fighting for safety of fellow humans. Working tirelessly for those who were taken away. Trying to ease their pain.

"I want to help people that have been through things like me. I want women to know that we have a chance; we have a life out there and I want them to know that they have options."

So now you know the ugly story. The end is even more horrific than beginning. Most of these women, due to unprotected sex become victims of HIV. They live rest of their lives begging, ignored, away from sympathy and shelter. That’s how the life of a trafficked person most of the times end. That’s how the full stop is put to it. Someone who was apple of her father's eye is left to rot like this. Are we to be blamed? Well, sadly we are. We, the bunch of humanity have forgotten all about being humans. We don’t want to help them. You will be shocked to know that 100,000 new escort ads are posted online every day. Somewhere in that trash of data are children who are bought and sold online for sex. They are people who are facing hell on earth. Victims of modern slavery.Will they ever be rescued? But that’s not the question we should be asking ourselves. Will that broken soul can ever be mend? That’s the part where we should focus. If a single soul is rescued due to your efforts that would be your legacy!


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