It's all lies, darlling

"Girls and sports? No connection."
  Mayanti Langer, tv sports journalist hosted football cafe, FIFA world cup, cricket world cups and commonwealth games.

"Woman cannot survive harsh environments."
Junko Tabei, a Japanese mountaineer ascended all the Seven Summits.

"Direction is not a job for woman."
 Kathryn Bigelow, proved it wrong by winning an Academy Award for Best Director.

"Driving is something females suck at!"
Aloha Wanderwell, World's Most Widely Traveled Girl spent years driving a Ford Model T across 43 countries.

I can write volumes about what unexpected deeds were performed by some exceptionally strong willed women. How they overcame the hurdlers in their ways. How they showed everyone that they were capable of being anything they wanted to be. They didn't let others get in their way. They allowed their hearts to follow the path of destiny. They excelled in their respective fields. Women who defeated doubts by becoming part of history.

When I hear young girls discussing their futures, it really disappoints me.Their minds seems to produce opinions not belonging to them.They seems more preoccupied with beautifying their visual image. They seems defeated before fight. Rarely I seem someone courageous enough to try something new. But most of the times, I have seen adjustment. And worst part is what they are adjusting for is so much less than their real potential. In their minds the average age of liberty they have is no more than 22. The problems they pay more attention to includes cloths, boyfriends, rumor based gossips and what not. Nothing leading anywhere in life. All lies fed to them. Making stuff not worth their energy important. They just get lost in that pith of lies. In the end only few can get out.

Lies. You are weak. You can't make it. You don't need to do this. Leave it. Don't come to us crying when it won't happen. You? I don't think so. Lies making you question yourself. Turning on the switch of paranoia. Lies. But you are a girl. This is a world ruled by men. Darling just get married to someone rich. Don't work so hard. You are not good enough. Lies almost making you give in. Those pessimist responses sounds so good. All those faking sympathies with you, trying to push you down. The world, sweetheart is full of people with friendly faces ready to tell you to give up. People who will make you feel bad about stuff that you keep close to your heart. But will you listen to them?

Do you think Sally Ride listened to people telling her that she could never be the first woman going into the space? Do you think Mona Van Duyn paid heed to those telling her that pen is not mightier than gender barrier? Do you think Lori Robinson bothered herself with whispers in her ears saying you can't be the head of a combat command ? These were the woman trailblazing the path. Who endeavoured to overcome the circumstances rather than becoming it's victim. They didn't allow the invisible hands make their way. They march to their own beat and they did it with grace. That's all that matters. When you choose to be in command of your life, amazing things start to happen. When you decide whether a certain thing is good enough for you or not. So the moment someone dare to tell you you are not, just flip your hair and move away to somewhere positive.

What I'm trying to say is do what makes you happy. Be what you are comfortable with. Go with your aptitude. Find the courage to be bold enough. Break that glass ceiling. Shatter it's pieces with your determination. Then walk through that ruin with pride. You are the real architect of this society, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Maybe you won't succeed, but will you stop trying for that maybe?You are more than your gender! You can set the rules, you can change the game. You deserve better, just be determine enough to work for it. First thing first, sort yourself out, be the passionate person willing to go to any limits necessary to achieve heights of success. Accept yourself for what you are born for. And please for once in your life, stop tolerating people who makes you feel anything less. Don't let those aimless lies stop you from slaying in your respective field. And yeah, I really hope you find a way to be like yourself someday.
Be proud of yourself, your dreams, your defeats, your scars! I'm. Are you?


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