Own your body

" I stand in awe of my body! "

The conundrum of our age is the acceptance of once body. We have seriously made ourselves so conscious about it. Seeing people in those certain categories is the only way to know them now.

"Which one? That tall one!"

"She looked so fat in the dress."

"God, I'm looking so thin"

We are at that stage where each of these words seems an insult. They are just stuck in our head. When we look at ourselves in the mirror we only focus on the flaws. Certain parts of our body that were highlighted by majority of people. Looking at thin arms, or wishing to have slimmer thighs, or wanting to have a clear jawline. The concept of beauty which is engraved in our minds has one simple flaw; it failed to tell that everyone is beautiful the way they are! What we need to understand is that there is nothing wrong with our body. Everything is wrong with the mind set trying to convince us otherwise.

Being a girl I know the amount of time we spent thinking about bigger lips, deep eyes, complexion other than ours, changing our height, getting slim or gaining weight. Hours we spent in front of mirror just critically judging ourselves. We are in a constant denial of our bodies. We need to acknowledge our bodies and we must feel proud of it!

And see if you need to change it, do it. But if it's for satisfying people's demand, it's dumb. If that change is not for yourself than it has no value. It's basically pointless.Why would you sacrifice your mental health for others? Why would you go through tremendous pain for others? Tomorrow morning, you can have a face surgery, or you can gain 25 kilos, or you can shave your head, or you'll just stay the way you are. That should be your decision. The motive behind it should not be people's criticism. It should not be for other. It's your body, your choice, do whatever you want to to do with it. But atleast do it for yourself not people who find it hard to accept you for who you really are.

It's strange how often we conform to stupid diet plans, starve ourselves in the process, even hurt ourselves just to be a size 2 or 0! Just to wear a stupid dress. Just to fit in an old pair of jeans! It's not right both medically and psychologically. People will call you funny names due to your lanky body be sure to just laugh with them or on them. Know about your body before you push your systems to dangerous levels. You are a human being, what you are fantasizing is achieve by ten hours work out and two hours of make up. It can't be real.

Start respecting your body it'll have a powerful impact on all aspects of your life. It doesn't matter if you are thin, plus sized, short, very tall. Be comfortable with it. The sad part about this society is that is has confined beauty in a small box, it has been define in a narrow way. It has somehow manged to delusionized people that when they look into the mirror they failed to see the uniqueness of beauty in them. Why complain about the way your body is shaped? Start loving your curves. Start owing your straight body. Body shape does not matter. Don't hurt yourself for other. You are the miracle of God. How can you not be beautiful?


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