I'm that girl

"I will not be triumphed over ."
In an age commanded by men, she ruled for 21 years.

"Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim."
Said the woman who fought the gender inequality in a industry which still misrepresents women.

"I’ve been through it all, baby, I’m mother courage."
She who played the most important role: Herself.
"I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too."
A ruler of golden age, without a man on her side. Who made herself feared by Spain, by France, by the Empire, by all.

In the present age the worth of being a woman has been lowered. Woman of the present age have taken up certain roles and they keep on playing them. Instead of being empowered with the time they have declined. Where in the past she used to decide the future of empires now she is not allowed to even decide for herself. Where once her role was consider constructive in the salvation of a nation now she is not allowed to have any role. Where once she was respected and feared now she is close to nothing. Who should we blame for this?

If tomorrow I'm held accountable for my actions, one of them will be that I didn't raise my voice where I should have. I let others make decisions for me. I didn't believe in myself enough to make my goals reality. I stayed quite when my daughter was being shackled in the senseless customs. I ignored when my elder sister was asked to quit her dreams because she was 24. I pay heed to the gender inequality. I let liberty die by not doing anything and waiting for a miracle to happen!

There are still females in our era who crossed the extreme boundaries just to achieve their targets. Who worked hard to make their imagination a reality. Who faced the challenges thrown in their way with courage. Who conquered their respective fields with dignity and honor. Who made people bow their heads with admiration. These ladies have done it all, they have fallen, picked up themselves, beaten badly, achieved a little success, faced a set back, but in all this they kept on going. They didn't let society's questions change their paths.They didn't let ideologies determine their lives. They lived their lives according to their own terms and conditions and they succeeded in doing so.

It's never about others. It's always about you. How hard did you push yourself? How far did you reach? Did you get a glimpse of moon? Never be that girl who victimize herself by the circumstances of situation. Never be that girl who just let go because she is told to. Never be that girl who in her deathbed thinks she should have. No, you are not that girl. Stop being that girl. Look at your options, make the best out of them. You won't be given everything at once. Learn to earn the rewards. Learn to work for your goals. No one can make you stop except yourself.

Be bold and make decisions. Handle problems logically. Break those chains which are not letting you move forward. Your existence is not how desirable other finds you. It's not how people wants to see you as. Just because you are a lady doesn't mean that you can't be the one delivering! If that was it, then Kristalina Georgieva wouldn't be the CEO of world bank. Angela Merkel wouldn't be the Chancellor of Germany. Sheryl Sandberg wouldn't be Chief Operating Officer of Facebook. Lubna S.Olayan wouldn't be Business executive. You see dream big, break the barrier. Reach that limit where you are proud. Be productive.

So you won't spend your precious time crying over some relation. You won't get depressed over things not worth your energy. You won't spend time starring at yourself in mirror and finding faults. You won't spend time fighting your insomnia. You won't be the one sitting and cursing life and it's problems. You are not that girl. Instead you will spend your time working on yourself. For yourself. You will spend your time in preparing yourself for you goal. You will work for your dreams. You won't over react on small things or underestimate yourself. No. Your are going to show them all that you are that girl who can!


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    1. Thankyou so much! you can check out my instagram profile @zenab.aman i am way more active there!


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