The Aftermath

 :  The aftermaths  :

When a culture is saturated with war, how do you bone dry it? After decades of being in a constant state of turmoil, if you instantly take it away, how will people react ? That normal of theirs, with days and nights getting reduced to violence, bombarded with cruelty, the barbaric way of life, their sense of security being the rumbling of ground and shattering of windows. If you take it away with a snap of fingers, and leave them naked with a new peace they aren’t used to, how will they react ? 

The price of conflict is, it becomes the normal for so many. The habitual acts of extremism becoming customary. When a child is brought into a world of chaos, they grow up without sense of stability. They look at calm with widened eyes and silence with horrible realization. In a world turned up side down with its greed for power and it’s incomprehensible war, a life without loss scares them. 

I remember our cities burning and people dying for crimes never listed. I remember our definition of normal a few years back, the constant fear that became reality. It wasn’t “elsewhere” , it wasn’t some remote area in another continent. It happened in our backyard. In the streets we couldn’t roam, the places we couldn’t go, gatherings we couldn’t held. When the dust settled, really proving the havoc were gravestones. We stood on the ruins of differences. 

It makes one think, was the answer to that all ever found ? Did we even looked for a solution ? Before sending our sons to a war, did we try for a better option ? It makes me question the ingenuity of human mind which failed in producing a better outcome. I looked at humans differently, the insatiable thirst for power, the unquenchable desire for victory, but to what end ?

The after shocks of a war are always suffered by those who are left behind. Those who firstly have to go through a horror only to realize that they have landed in another nightmare. The collapsing economy, lack of education, destroyed infrastructure, the uprising insurgencies, uncountable dead, and so many unanswered questions. The never ending need to go back to a normal which though was disastrous, but was a known terror, a comfort torment. For so many people today, that’s the bitter reality. For me it’s a song of endurance, which isn’t heard at tables where policies are made, where life altering decisions are taken, where self profiting is done at the cost of human life. 

Waiting for your feedback. 
instagram @zenab.aman


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