A Message Of Peace And Love

from December 16, 2016 to 2019, we can't repeat the same story and wait for different outcome!                  

If I say the word tragedy what comes to your mind? If I ask you to define brutality what example will you give me? If I say December 16, 2014 what's the first thing that flash in your mind?

Ir's been 4 years, but the wound is still fresh. The memory is so vivid that I can take you down in one of the darkest lanes with me. I can narrate a story of cruelty written from the blood of innocent children. I remember. It's not something that you can unheard, ignore, forget. It's one of those misfortunes whose cost cannot be ever paid.

The people of Peshawar has been long torn in a war that came to their doorstep without their consent. They were dragged into a web of bloodshed without their will. Death toll exceeded mentionable count. The people of that beautiful city were forced to be on a path of destruction leading to a deadly destination. Our sunsets were reduced to blasts. Countless people never made it home. We were shedding tears, we were burying our love ones. We suffered. We were bombarded with violence and rage which we didn't deserve. There was a time when I was forced to think that maybe our worth as human was reduced to nothing.

We were enduring it all. Then on the morning of December 16. at approximately 10:30A.M, seven gunmen wearing explosive belts climbed the wall of Army Public School Peshawar. After the storm ended many families were left with nothing. That day 134 funerals were carried in the city of Peshawar. 134 dreams were killed, 134 hopes were murdered, 134 small coffins! The city known for it's bravery, people known for their valour, lost all the strength that day. I remember seeing my uncle cry like a child, I can see the pain in my father's eyes, I can see my mom silently wiping away the tears! I can still open my journal and feel the helplessness I felt. I was in grade 9! Most of those students were too.

The next day, 4 years. I'm still searching for a logic to explain such a savage act. Their so called retaliation cost everyone of us. And it has cost us deeply. Two days back, Kabul was under attack. 90 injured and 4 dead. It's not the first time and you know where it becomes more ferocious? That I know it's not the last. We're left in a world without peace and that's a sad reality. So many innocent people paid the price for their lust of war. So many families mourn because differences were not settled by having dialogues. And you know what when these atrocities effect more than million we cry out for meanings, we cry out for answers, our crimes that are not listed.

This needs to end. The culture of an eye for an eye is literally leaving us blind, that's why we can't see fatherless children searching for that lost face, mothers tired of waiting. I'm tired of this insanity. We're exhausted of not seeing our loved ones again. True hate is a strong emotion, capable of making people do monstrous things. Let's just promise ourselves that we'll leave something better than bloodshed and hatred for our next generation to follow. A message of hope and love. A heritage of peace


Hello everyone! I know I haven't been as active on this blog as I should have! But this is one of the incidents which is very close to my heart. Trust me it left a mark on my entire existence. The reason why I wrote it? I was taking my Pharmacology's lab two days back, when I read about the Kabul's incident! It shook me. It's just so wrong what they are going through! I know I can't do much, but to my brothers and sisters there, we feel the pain. All we can do is pray and hope that things change!

And where ever you're keep believing in miracles!
Peace and Love

Instagram : @ifeministt
Gmail        : pov2her@gmail.com


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