Syrian Brides For Sale


                            SYRIAN BRIDES FOR SALE 

                                     A   Label of " Permissible "

 We have taken a lot things for granted. Being safe is one of them!

The women of Syria, who had sacrificed their sons, husbands, fathers in a yet another meaningless war, didn't know that safe heaven is not easily found. They fled their own motherland in search for peace, they tried to escape the bloodshed, they hoped to leave the brutality behind. But little did they know, crossing the border was just the beginning of their nightmare. From shedding tears for their lost sons, to crying on themselves, Syrian women are fighting a war of their own!

 After reading about the fact that they are exposed to exploitation and abuse it is impossible for me to ignore this reality that my sisters are suffering even more than they were before.Those camps which according to us are providing them shelter, the truth is totally opposite to it. There is no sanctuary for those women only heart gripping fear. They are preyed by men roaming free in a place where no law applies!

As Syrian war enters it's 5th year, displaced families are running out of both money and options. Those women who had suffered at the hands of both time and cruelty are now suffering again. They are enduring for they can't fight anymore. Out of desperation, many families are using their daughters as objects which are being sold to the highest bidders! They are forcing them into child marriages. 13 years old are being asked to marry 60 years old. I was not shocked to read that a third of Syrian marriages in Jordan are with girls under the age of 18.They are being bought into marriages to have a label of 'permissible' on them. Those marriages are a sad cover up for the exploitation and violation. They are divorced in a matter of 3 to 4 days when they buyers are "done" with them.

This war has created desperation that is pushing women to sell themselves for money. You see, marriage is not the only way these women became a commodity.

" He treated me savagely "

"...I only married you for pleasure."

Those poor girls are sexually exploited and than just abandoned. It's a bad world, I'm getting it now. It's not a place for a woman, I'm getting it now. Men have been raised wrong, I'm sure of it now. Humanity is fading, I wish I could say otherwise. I'm actually tired of all this. I have failed in understanding  "WHY" of this problem. When you see someone in need, you help them. When you see someone weak, you help them. You don't target them. Maybe these are the fantasies, too good to be true. Maybe these gestures don't exist in real world. Maybe that's not how people operate in reality. Maybe. Maybe. Are they being treated the way we'll treat our sisters, mothers and daughters? Too cliche of a question. But maybe that's exactly what we need right now, some old book morals.

I couldn't look away. I won't look away. I can't turn my face, I can't close my eyes, shut down the voices reaching my ears, posts on my feed, I just can't. I can't lie to myself anymore. Neither should you. And just ask yourself one question,

" If that's your stand on humanity, how long do you think we can survive? "

I hope y'all are good and you're day was amazing.
Waiting for your feedback!❤❤
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