Mother's Day


                         WORLD IN A SINGLE WORD!

                                  MA! TODAY AND EVERYDAY WE CHERISH YOU. 

God's most amazing gift to mankind!
Mother, a single word having so many different emotions. A single person performing so many roles.
You are the center of creation, you are the genesis of love, you nurture and protect, you know the art of mending heart, and you are the pillar of forgiveness, the living embodiment of selflessness. You are the reason I'm!

Throughout our lives there is this one hand which guides us, which picks us up when we are down, which is proud to clap in an empty hall, which leads us to our dreams. A presence which we all seek comfort in, which makes all the anxiety disappear, which calms us. Mother is someone who'll fight the darkness we are afraid of, who'll push us to overcome the hurdles, who'll be there when no one else is. She turns into a story teller when we can't sleep at night, that laugh of her lights up the world, she is the best cook, an amazing adviser, a secret keeper, a fighter. In short she is all kinds of amazing!

Today is a remainder for us how lucky we are to have her. How thankful we should be of those pancakes she makes, of those ironed clothes, of those late night cup of tea, of those "You Can Do This"! It's very easy to overlook all these things, it's very difficult to do them yourself. Today I promise to understand you more, to love you more, to be there more, to cherish you more, and to listen to you more!

Ma, thank you for all!❤❤

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms! I can imagine no heroism greater than motherhood! We owe you our very existence. Thank you for you!


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