99: Giving Voice To The Lost Souls

 The world is changing they told me. It is entering in a new age, where technology rules. Where new concepts are surfacing. Man is achieving what his ancestors couldn't dream about. Strange worlds are being explored. Human mind is discovering beyond it's capacity.  But in the present time, where machines dominates, humans are losing sanity. Somewhere in all that progressiveness, the root of being human is lost. Humans are being cruel enough to create weapon of mass destruction, sick enough to jump into wars, and monstrous enough to forget about humanity. The world is changing they told me, for good or worse they didn't say. But a week back I was unfortunate enough to witness that change, when a news pop up on my phone's screen: 99 Children Lost Their Lives At Syria

It ain't the first time, and it shatters my soul to say that it won't be the last. I won't get into a long and unwinnable debate of what happened, whose fault was it, or who should be punished. No, I won't waste my time even going that way. Instead I'll focus on condemning how wrong it is. I'm at a lost of words to describe the horrors people are facing there. I can't give voice to their pain, I can't relate to their situation, and I can't imagine the fear filling their entire existence. And that scars me. Because being a human, I need to relate to them, but I'm failing. And it makes me question, if deep down anything human is left in me?

And if I'm being fully honest here, I don't want to relate. I don't want to be in that situation. In fact I don't want anyone to be stuck in that nightmare. Where instead of alarm clocks bombing wakes you up in the morning. Where you can't go to sleep in the night because there is this heart gripping fear. Where you are losing friends you thought will be with you in 60s! Where your child grew up learning to lose before time. I don't want this. But than who in their right state mind would? It's strange you know, we saw these scenarios in movies, or on internet captured by some brilliant director or photographer. And than all of sudden one morning you wake up to find yourself stuck in that movie. But it's reality and it shocks you! It tears your very existence.

99 children who were reported they lost their lives to the cruelty of elders. They died because those sitting in the seats of power failed in protecting them. They were small, innocent children who did no one any harm. Who were silently blooming. They were someone's dream. They were given as token of love from God. In a moment of second, that child was snatched from it's birth right: Life. It gives permission right? That strong can overpower the weak. The moral it teaches is to crush those who can't fight. It gives the impression that talking can't solve differences. But that all shouldn't be our legacy to our children. War is the counterpart of peace, I get it. But now even children are giving blood for that dawn of peace. And I'm not okay with it. Those 99 were future, which is lost. They were a promise of better tomorrow and they are gone. Maybe we all need to reconsider, if that's the price are we all willing to fight such kind of wars?


  1. Usually I never comment on blogs but your article is so convincing that I never stop myself to say something about it. You’re doing a great job, Keep it up. ❤

    1. Thank you so much. This has totally made my day! I don't know why people constrict themselves from commenting on blogs. Thank you so much!

    2. Your welcome ����


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