PADMAVATI : A conundrum

 PADMAVATI: A conundrum

If we start from the very beginning, the genesis of once upon a time of this tale, was a poet's creativity which gave birth to a character whose beauty echoed far away, whose existence was cause of war between kings, whose final sacrifice was a symbol of strength for the coming generations of women. A piece of art so strong that after centuries it has taken a nation of 1.3 billion by storm. Padmavati: A 21st century conundrum.

The earliest mention of Rani Padmavati is in the epic poem written by a Sufi poet Malik Muhammad Jayasi in 1540. When Ratan Sen, the Rajput ruler of Chittor heard about the divine beauty of Padmavati from a talking parrot. After going through many trails he finally wins her hands. But by than, the stories of her beauty had reached the streets of Delhi. Alauddin Khalji, the Sultan of Delhi wage war to gain Padmavati. Devpal another of Rani's admirer after a combat kills Ratan Sen. When the siege is over, the castle falls, Rani Padmavati along with her companions commit Jauhar ( Self-immolation) to save her honor. This epic poem with many twists, have all the necessary ingredients to set the tempo and a horrific finale.

The siege of Chittor in 1303 by Alauddin has been written in the pages of history, however the legends of Padmavati have little historic evidences and most modern historians have rejected her existence. Padmavati has many faces. Each soul who tried to explain her did by their own eyes. They presented a version best suited with their creativity. But certain ingredients are always there. Love. Lust. Honor. Sacrifice. It's a story about Ratan Sen's love. Alauddin's obession. Padmavati's sacrifice. A story with different characters, different beginnings but the ending is constant. It's a tale always ending with Rani self-immolating herself. Giving herself to flames and saving her honour!

Sanjay Leela's film which rose a storm of controversy, is now at last in theaters. From death threats to postponing the release date, this movie had it's fair share of time. Country wide strikes were held against the liberty to express. It was a clear example of versatility being rejected and art being checked!

Real or fiction, Padmavati is a symbol of courage for many out in the world. Her story continues to amaze people. Her strength is undeniable. It's a classic showing what love makes people do. The extent they are willing to go. A story which ends with Alauddin empty handed, Padmavati sacrificing herself, and death of Raten Sen. Padmavati is a conundrum yet to be solved!


Here is the first blog post of 2018. I hope you'all are good. And your new year is exactly the way you wanted it to be like. Let me know how was this post. Or what else you want me to write about. Have a blessed day! And if you're facing any problem remember not to give up, nothing is constant. This too shall pass! SMILE.
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Love And Peace


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