6 days before 2018

                       What's the next chapter in your life?


And don't jump into conclusions. Don't okay! This is serious and it's important too. Way more important than you think. Think really hard before you answer this question. Think really hard before you start doing and the pen starts writing it all down for the next 365 days. The book is empty again, you have been given another chance. What will you do now? Life is not always about going with the flow. What you do stays! What you repeatedly do becomes a habit. And habit can make you and break you. So, what you need to understand is importance of habits in the next chapter of your life. Why? Let me explain.

You need to understand one thing, when they say "practice makes a man perfect" they are not wrong. Practice demands discipline. But long before you master that discipline, what's your first step is a habit. The repetition of one thing day after day. There isn't really anything like self-doubt, or indecisiveness, or laziness, no! These are habits and when they become habits they are hard to shake off. They stay and becomes an essential part of your personality. You weren't born shy. Or you weren't born quick. You weren't born confident. No, the environment in which you grew up, the things that were inculcated in you, they became you. You weren't shy, people keep repeating this word to you, and you started seeing yourself as shy. You acted like a shy person. You ended up like that. What's holding your confidence back? It's you! Those thoughts which are now part of your brain's memory, and your brain knows you'll be comfortable in that shell of illusion so it keeps you away from all the stuff which might be for a confident person!

So, understand that by repeating a certain action you can root it in your system. Now I’ll ask again, what's the next chapter in your life? Be very precise with yourself. Don't burden yourself but that one thing that do comes to your mind, make a pattern to inculcate that thing into your daily routine. I need to get up early in the morning. I need to stay healthy. I need to read a book. I need to save money. ANYTHING. Have that one thing, work for it. Repeat it to transform it into a habit. That habit will become part of your discipline. Educate yourself to do that one thing. Be your own master. Just don't believe that you can't. Whenever you hear that command, go to your mirror and change the command. Tell yourself that only you can do it.

There are still 12 days for you to figure it out. Still 12 pages in which you can make a plan to execute for you next chapter. Be prepared. Make your next chapter an example! That one victory will be a beginning for you to understand yourself!

And don't jump into conclusions. Don't okay! This is serious and it's important too. Way more important than you think. Think really hard before you answer this question. Think really hard before you start doing and the pen starts writing it all down for the next 365 days. The book is empty again, you have been given another chance. What will you do now? Life is not always about going with the flow. What you do stays! What you repeatedly do becomes a habit. And habit can make you and break you. So, what you need to understand is importance of habits in the next chapter of your life. Why? Let me explain.

You need to understand one thing, when they say "practice makes a man perfect" they are not wrong. Practice demands discipline. But long before you master that discipline, what's your first step is a habit. The repetition of one thing day after day. There isn't really anything like self-doubt, or indecisiveness, or laziness, no! These are habits and when they become habits they are hard to shake off. They stay and becomes an essential part of your personality. You weren't born shy. Or you weren't born quick. You weren't born confident. No, the environment in which you grew up, the things that were inculcated in you, they became you. You weren't shy, people keep repeating this word to you, and you started seeing yourself as shy. You acted like a shy person. You ended up like that. What's holding your confidence back? It's you! Those thoughts which are now part of your brain's memory, and your brain knows you'll be comfortable in that shell of illusion so it keeps you away from all the stuff which might be for a confident person!

So, understand that by repeating a certain action you can root it in your system. Now I’ll ask again, what's the next chapter in your life? Be very precise with yourself. Don't burden yourself but that one thing that do comes to your mind, make a pattern to inculcate that thing into your daily routine. I need to get up early in the morning. I need to stay healthy. I need to read a book. I need to save money. ANYTHING. Have that one thing, work for it. Repeat it to transform it into a habit. That habit will become part of your discipline. Educate yourself to do that one thing. Be your own master. Just don't believe that you can't. Whenever you hear that command, go to your mirror and change the command. Tell yourself that only you can do it.

There are still 6 days for you to figure it out. Still 6 pages in which you can make a plan to execute for you next chapter. Be prepared. Make your next chapter an example! That one victory will be a beginning for you to understand yourself!


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