What impact does serials have on our lives ?

DUNK: THE PROBLEM LIES IN THE NARRATIVE : The 8:00 ritualistic viewing of aired serials, with the similar plots revolving around young lovers facing many difficulties, and cheating husbands being forgiven, and hostile mothers-in-law are not the imagery of past. In our households, we have grown watching these dramas, which had a far greater impact than was conceived at the time. I remember asking my mother why is she following these pathetic storylines? Which weren’t educating anything productive. The only visual outcome of these dramas is the reimposition of an enslaving mindset. I asked her what is she getting out of it, and in her defence, she defended the entire drama industry, but it’s only for time pass and entertainment beta . We haven’t realised the problem. What was being passed with clean chit as entertainment was actually inculcating ideas in the minds of so many. You see, media is a far more powerful tool than we can imagine, the movin...