
Showing posts from May, 2021


I have witnessed more hatred than my heart can tolerate. More grief than I can process. I have been exposed to years of pain and suppression in the past few weeks. If I talk about myself. But I can’t. Right now, it’s not important. Right now, it doesn’t matter. Because what I have felt in the past few days, it's not the fraction of what the Palestinians have gone through! The horrors of suppression, the anxiety of losing one’s rightful home, the forever trauma of a troubled history! A war inherited and with it the loss of thousands. It makes me wonder, have we forgotten that a higher power will hold us accountable? Are we forgetting that there is a life after this one? One where we’ll have to answer for every single deed, where you can’t hide the atrocities and can’t justify them with your foreign policies.  When Al-Aqsa was attacked, I waited for the thunders to struck and for the earth to crack open and swallow, I waited for the miracle. I cried on the night of the 27th and pray

Margaret Atwood An absent friend

 WHY ATTWOOD SHOULD BE PART OF EVERY CURRICULUM? I have always found Margaret Attwood's description of women unapologetic. She rarely victimizes them from the few novels that I have read of hers. What I found extremely fascinating was her utter lack of judgement. How in her worlds women are allowed all those traits she is denied in the real world. How her plots understand the sentiments the society deems unfit for a lady. Mostly how liberating her analysis of a female is. For her, we as a gender, are human, flawed to the core, yet not being prosecuted by people. Her stories always find a place for the so labelled misfits . THE HANDMAID'S TALE:  The society she foresaw years ago finally descended on us, we were caught in her fabricated truth. The horrors she feared, those fears found a vessel, that vessel made its way to us, in the form of a well-documented novel.  My first experience in Atwood's world was that of a naive child, whose eyes were opened but mouth sealed. Who

COVID 19 : a new age

  I was naive to think that I can seek some sort of redemption once the pandemic is over... Last year was a question out of the syllabus, a post-credit scene we weren't prepared for. It was unfamiliar territory, an uncharted land. As a kingdom, we happen to find without any map to navigate it through. It was halting. It paused the film of life at an unexpected turn. So many things left undone, so many experiences left to reminisce about only. Things we can never do as we had through before. Because the world changed and with it, everything. Who would have thought that a point will come when breathing will be a luxury. Who would have thought that a time will come when we long for human contact but won't have it. Who would have thought of time so desperate that making it to the end of the day will be a victory! Two years back if I was told that the world will shut down not temporarily, not permanently either, but still shut down, will I have done things the way I have? Will I hav